Monday, March 01, 2010

Feels like heaven

To live a night
Go for a stroll
Around 4 in the morning
To a nearby chai-coffee place
Under a moonlight tat refuses to stop pouring
From between the tree tops
Over the lazy street dogs
Over the paper boys and milk vans
Under a moonlight tat refuses to let the night break
And the FM at chaiwallah (where we had coffee :P)goes..

vennilave velli velli nilave
pogam idam ellaame
kuda kuda vanthaay
vennilave velli velli nilave
nachaththira pattaalam kuttikondu vanthaay..

(Its from 'Raghavan' in Telugu. Kamal Hassan, Jyotika and Kamalini 'borer'!)

Off to bed!
And ha...I love Chandler and Phoebes the best! Remember tat "Smelly cat smelly cat...smelly cat" ?:)

Happy Holi!

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